Author: Grèbol, Armand
Aquàtic is a tribute to all those feelings evoked in us by water in its various forms.
Author: Puértolas, Pere J.
The author Pere Puértolas reflects in Drums & Woods his impressions during a trip to Senegal on a work for four percussionists, giving form and structure to the simple and deviled rhythms he heard there.
Author: Guinjoan, Joan
As its title indicates, Miniaturas is built upon the foundations of small thematic cells. The first piece is characterized by the counterpointing of contrasts, and is followed by one which progresses from a bleakness of atmosphere to attain a marked lyricism. The third and final piece makes allusion to a progressively complex rhythm which ends with the...
Author: Soto, Pere
It is a brilliant work that is difficult to perform and includes the best of the author’s jazz-based repertoire. The composer say, “The skill of a percussionist in creating highly complex rhythms and multi-rhythms and the search for exotic timbres is a boundless source of inspiration”.
Author: Puértolas, Pere J.
Recitatiu (Introducció), Cançó i Tarantel·la (Recital (Introduction), Song and Tarantella) for vibraphone and piano is a work that allows the performers to shine, with a first time, Introducció, dedicated to the virtuosity of the vibraphone to highlight the quality of its sound.
Author: Bertran, Moisès
It is a piece for a group of small-sized percussion instruments, which includes the somewhat exotic use of a set of crystal glasses and a Musical Saw. Sketch is not a technically difficult piece but is rather a short divertimento where the main challenge relies on the subtleties of the tone.
Author: Guinjoan, Joan
The work Variations on the Theme "Cuncti Simus Concanentes" from the Llibre Vermell de Montserrat explores the theme through a series of matrices based on this theme, starting with a light movement that progressively moves on to different structural passages, gradually increasing in speed and culminating in a tremolo in the final chord.
Author: Puértolas, Pere J.
In Pinewood Waltz drums is treated as a classical percussion section. This work is a waltz from the first bar to the last, which requires virtuosic technique and deep musical knowledge of the player.