Soto, Pere

Soto, Pere

18 music sheets

Is a guitarist and composer born in Badalona(Barcelona) in 1958. He is a self-taught musician and has shown greatinterest in all the musical genres. He made his first steps in the world ofRock and Blues and later turned towards Jazz, collaborating and makinga name for himself both in groups and as a soloist, as well as makingseveral recordings in the United States and in Holland.

In 1983, he discovered the music of J. S. Bach, whose spiritualstrength and enormous musical power had a huge impact on him. Fromthat moment on, he moved into the world of the classics, making in-depthstudies of the great masters of every period, right through to renownedcomposers of the 20th century. We should make a special mention ofthree of this century’s great masters: Charles Ives, Olivier Messiaen andAlfred Schnittke, who have had a significant aesthetic influence on hiswork.

In 2000 his String quartet no. 2 was first performed in Mexico City,which is where he then spent a long time teaching and giving seminarsthroughout the country.

In his role as lead performer, he has ten commercial CDs, as wellas a vast number of collaborations in international jazz ensembles.

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