46 music sheets
Born in Barcelona on April 16, 1932. In his hometown, between 1952 and 1954, he attends musical studies and learns to play the piano, the violin, and musical composition.
In 1973 begins his dedication to music reviews at the same time that his career as a composer intensifies. His catalog today has eighty musical compositions, most of which have been programmed and played for the first time in the Catalonian music scene as well as Spain’s, and in other cities of Europe, Asia, and America. He has also been a judge in musical composition and interpretation competitions.
His articles have been published in Serra d’Or, Revista de Catalunya, Revista Musical Catalana, El Correo Catalán, Destino, Barcelona Metrópolis, and Barcelona Creació (Yokohama, 1990). He has also collaborated in the activities of the Universitat Catalana d’Estiu from Prada de Conflent (France).
After an evolutionary period that goes from neoclassical postulates (Suite Catalana) to proposals of an atonal and serial character (Calidoscopi, Díptic, Climes, Gèminis), he gathers the experiences extracted from these two forms, mixes them, and turns them into a new style with a markedly expressive content (Temperaments, Proses disperses), although on certain occasions he returns to the original styles (Camins Somorts, Auguris, etc.).
Francesc Taverna-Bech died 16 April 2010.
Author: Taverna-Bech, Francesc
In this collection the author has expressed his vision of the night when the city is silent, and the vision of the moon looks down on us and lights our way.
Author: Taverna-Bech, Francesc
The content of the work Graffiti revolves around the desolation in which modern society lives because of habits imposed by a few people exercising power. In a way, graffiti art expresses this rebellion against the system, creating a world of fantastic graphics to escape the oppression of everyday life.
Author: Taverna-Bech, Francesc
The content of the work Graffiti revolves around the desolation in which modern society lives because of habits imposed by a few people exercising power. In a way, graffiti art expresses this rebellion against the system, creating a world of fantastic graphics to escape the oppression of everyday life.
Author: Taverna-Bech, Francesc
Horitzó i tres estrofes (Horizon and Three Verses) by Francesc Taverna Bech is a work in four movements, of 7 minutes long, with an exquisite expressiveness, characteristic feature of the author.
Author: Taverna-Bech, Francesc
Horitzó i tres estrofes (Horizon and Three Verses) by Francesc Taverna Bech is a work in four movements, of 7 minutes long, with an exquisite expressiveness, characteristic feature of the author.