Author: Rodríguez Picó, Jesús
Jesús Rodríguez Picó has arranged these 12 duets by W. A. Mozart focusing on the organization of these duets from lowest to highest difficulty, likewise, has also adapted some fragments which have a higher level.
Author: Soler, Josep
The work Au pays de la soif et de la peur is wonderfully expressive and unfolds in slow movements, making use of the full breadth of the two instruments’ ranges. Although he does not seek virtuosity, the performance of the work demands the utmost of performers, and above all, requires an extreme rapport.
Author: Grèbol, Armand
Everything is so relative: past, present, future, etc.
Author: Taverna-Bech, Francesc
Calidoscopi III by F. Taverna-Bech is not just a descriptive work but features numerous reflective elements and a certain melancholy, like a flow of nostalgia for other times when, as a child, he was captivated by the toy.
Author: Fleta Polo, Francisco
The initial cell of the descending arpeggio gives unity to the work that, despite its briefness, clearly shows the personality of Fleta Polo’s language and his deep knowledge of the different instruments he writes for.
Author: Fleta Polo, Francisco
In the opening section of Caprici núm. 2 by F. Fleta Polo the instruments are presented one by one through the use of solo parts, before merging to form the chamber piece proper, and the contrapuntal writing can be seen throughout in a piece whose appeal lies in its contrasts in colour and character.
Author: Rodríguez Picó, Jesús
This melody, taken from the repertoire of the chansonniers, is also representative of a musical repertoire that interested Poulenc, one which he made use of in the third movement of his Clarinet Sonata.
Author: Taverna-Bech, Francesc
Climes I has only one movement and is conceived in complete freedom, both in its harmonic aspects and its formal aspects. It is a lyric rhapsody where some chords and certain sequences act as structural elements in the composition, with the central part being poco scherzando to balance the score.
Author: Capdevila, Mercè
The work Corn d'or comprises quick, compressed sounds whose density means they can be listened to en masse. In the slow moments the mass deflates and softens, the sound expands and separates, breaking off in the form of phrases, or isolated sounds, with different properties, directions and levels.
Author: Ferrer, Enric
This Sonatina is inspired by the first of the Four Quartets by T. S. Eliot, Burn Norton.
Author: Civilotti, Alejandro
These pieces are dedicated to the memory of the composer’s nephew, Sergio Javier Godoy who died in April 2005, and were written two months later. The meaning of these four pieces for guitar and clarinet is to establish a dialogue with those questions will never be answers.
Author: Lamote de Grignon, Ricard
It was originally a collection of twelve short pieces for piano. This version consists of six «crumbs» and the author transcribed it from the original for piano more than 25 years later.