Borràs, Teresa

Borràs, Teresa

38 music sheets

Teresa Borras i Fornell was born in Manresa on 30th July, 1923. Her musical education began at the age of 8 at the Liceo Conservatory in Barcelona: piano, arrangement and then guitar. She went on to perfect her studies with masters Molinari and Cervera. She later studied arrangement, counterpoint and composition with Cristòfor Taltabull. She attended classes given by the master Agosti at Chigiana Academy in Sienna (Italy) and subsequently was awarded a grant by that institution for composition classes given by the master Frazzi. She then studied the clavicembalo for two academic years at the Higher Municipal Conservatory in Barcelona. In 1979 she was awarded a composition grant for a summer course in Compostela with R. Halffter. She won Second Prize of the award: Caterina Albert i Paradis; in 1997. Between the years 1947 and 1953, she gave numerous piano concerts. She was a piano and guitar teacher for six years at the Municipal Music School in Manresa and a piano and arrangement teacher at the Music School in Mataró (branch of the Liceo). She has taught music to first year secondary education pupils at Satorras School in Mataró. She is a piano soloist and particularly promotes her own work. She died in 2010

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