73 music sheets
He was born in Barcelona in 1953 and studied music at the Conservatori Superior de Música del Liceu, where he obtained the title of Senior Professor of the Clarinet. After that he continued his study of this instrument in France and later became familiar with a repertoire of contemporary music and played the clarinet in various chamber music groups. Between 1976 and 1990 through his performances in numerous concerts he made music for the clarinet more widely known, debuting and recording works by contemporary composers.
The year 1976 saw the beginning of his creative stage with compositions in which he used flexible procedures and new manners of notation. Three years after he dispensed with this practice and returned to conventional notation. The first of his numerous symphonic works was La ciutat de les estrelles (The city of stars). From that moment on he received commissions from various orchestras. From these commissions arose works like the Concert n.1 for clarinet and orchestra, and the Simfonia Americana (American Symphony), and more recently the Fantasia sobre l’òpera El viatge de Marlow (A fantasy about the opera Marlow’s Journey) and the Danses d’Ibèria (Dances of Iberia).
Picó has an extensive chamber music oeuvre which is the result of his friendship and collaboration with different instrumentalists in which he displays a special preference for groups with clarinet and/or saxophone. Among these the Sonata a Colombina for clarinet and piano stands out along with the Sonata Marina for saxophone and piano, and the Danses de Zaira for clarinet, oboe and bassoon. He also wrote various chamber works such as El paradís de les muntanyes (The paradise of the mountains), which debuted in 1998 and was recorded to be released on disk by Columna Música, as well as Hotel Occident and Urbs.
In 1987 Picó drew up the project for the Catalunya Música broadcast and was head of programs until December 1990. He is the author of the book Xavier Benguerel, obra y estilo (Xavier Benguerel, his work and style), (2007, Idea Books).
Author: Rodríguez Picó, Jesús
The title of this work refers to dispersion and contrasts of the points of color and light of Claude Monet's paintings related to the Giverny garden, which were the starting point for establishing a similarity to the sounds of the flute and guitar.
Author: Rodríguez Picó, Jesús
The title of this work refers to dispersion and contrasts of the points of color and light of Claude Monet's paintings related to the Giverny garden, which were the starting point for establishing a similarity to the sounds of the flute and guitar.
Author: Rodríguez Picó, Jesús
Written in a single movement and organised around three extracts from the homonymous novel by Jules Verne.
Author: Rodríguez Picó, Jesús
La ciutat de Cloe belongs to a set of compositions of chamber music based on Invisible cities, the book by Italo Calvino. The aspects that these works have in common are the relationship between imagined architectures and the dynamics of cities, between compact forms and mobility.
Author: Rodríguez Picó, Jesús
In the work La Flor del Cirerer, through human feelings deeply rooted in the awakening of spring, it achieves a perfect and vital communication between two cultures that are simultaneously distant and close: Catalan and Japanese. The songs were composed expressly for their performance in Tokyo in September of 2008.
Author: Rodríguez Picó, Jesús
The texts in this work, with the great issues of the Lorquian universe, have short verses with their evocative images and very precise rhythm and are enveloped by the piano music with the aim of underlining the very diverse nature of the poems, often accentuating the contrasts they suggest.
Author: Rodríguez Picó, Jesús
The texts in this work, with the great issues of the Lorquian universe, have short verses with their evocative images and very precise rhythm and are enveloped by the piano music with the aim of underlining the very diverse nature of the poems, often accentuating the contrasts they suggest.
Author: Rodríguez Picó, Jesús
The piece Moebius Trio by Rodríguez Picó includes the peculiar properties of the Moebius looped strip by using themes predominantly built up around long notes that give a feeling of a flat yet wavy surface, and by linking the different parts as if always bringing us back to the beginning again.
Author: Rodríguez Picó, Jesús
The Nocturne for violin is divided into two contrasting parts, the first is slow and the second has faster and livelier rhythm, with some large intervals.